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영어해석 좀 부탁드립니다 ㅜㅜ

새콩이 조회수 : 1,724
작성일 : 2014-08-28 16:34:37
이런 질문 올리기도 죄송스럽네요 ;;
영어공부 중인데 대략적인 해석만 가능해서요~~ 정확하게 알고 싶어 이렇게 부탁드립니다.

1. What a sunny room you have!
2. The waiter brought Joan the silverware, a napkin, and a glass of water.
3. She's (=has) registered for three university courses.
4. He found cooking a great pleasure.
5. Once the professor approves your topic, you can begin writing your paper.
6. Kate works part time to pay her college tuition, doesn't she?
7. They cleaned up the lab.
8. That beautiful floor lamp really caught my eye.
9. Go a little farther down the hill, and you'll see the gas station.
10. He didn't care for his new tennis racket.
11. In writing ability, Margaret's head and shoulders above the rest of her class.
12. To think he wanted to walk all the way to the park.
13. If I had known you could do it alone, I wouldn't have helped you.
14. You like pizza? But it has cheese on it.
15. Catherine used to practice law, but now she's a college dean.
16. The final curtain fell after the singer's solo.
17. Inside the envelope was a letter from Bob, a thank you note from Myrna, and a picture of all the teachers.
18. Looks like rain, wouldn't you say? 
19. No one can dispute the fact that she is a qualified candidate.
20. It was Claire not Joe who liked the play.

1. Julie had better go to the supermarket right away because her sister is coming for lunch.
2. He doesn't teach in this department.
3. It seems as though we've known each other for a long time instead of just two weeks.
4. Dick's parents made him spend his vacation at home.
5. I found that poem hard to understand, didn't you?
6. He himself didn't know what to do.
7. This trip will be shorter on the subway than on the bus.
8. Sue swims a mile everyday to keep in shape.
9. The high winds resulted in heavy damage to trees and power lines.
10. I'm going to help Teresa with her math this afternoon.
11. Why don't we move the chairs inside?
12. Kate was really feeling down in the dumps about her latest chemistry assignment.
13. His art was appreciated by the younger people at the exhibit.
14. Whoever wins this game gets to play against Molly in the finals.
15. I bought this coat when I was abroad.
16. There ought to be more pencils than those left in the box.
17. After the speech came a brief question-and-answer session.
18. We hardly studied at all last weekend.
19. She's been through a lot lately.
20. This television program is not in the least boring.
IP : 218.157.xxx.5
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 와..와우..
    '14.8.28 4:41 PM (220.86.xxx.221)

    이거 내용은 다 쉬운데 분량이 너무 많아요..이 정도 분량이면 그냥 이런 곳에서
    부탁하실게 아니라 번역 맡기세요...

  • 2. 이건
    '14.8.28 4:48 PM (125.177.xxx.90)

    완전 번역이네요

  • 3. 새콩이
    '14.8.28 5:06 PM (218.157.xxx.5)

    감사합니다^^ 친절한 82님들 감사해요~
    대략적인 해석보다 정확한게 알고 싶어서요 부탁드렸는데..
    너무 많은 양이라 놀라셨을듯해요 ㅜ

  • 4. 이거
    '14.8.28 5:32 PM (115.21.xxx.159)

    전종섭교수 블로그에 있는 단문청취 내용이네요
    거기 스크립트만 있고 해석은 없나요?
    근데 이게 해석이 안될 정도면 더 쉬운 문장으로 먼저 공부하시는 게 좋지 않을까요?

  • 5. ...
    '14.8.28 7:17 PM (182.226.xxx.93)

    16 상자에 남아있는 것 보다 연필이 더 있어야 하는데
    17 연설이 끝난 후에 간단한 질의응답 시간이 있었다

  • 6. 꿈꾸는사람
    '14.8.28 7:40 PM (114.108.xxx.89)

    18 우리는 지난 주말에 거의 공부하지 않았다
    19 그녀는 최근에 많은 일을 겪었다
    20 이 텔레비전 프로그램은 전혀 재미있지 않다

  • 7. 달리기
    '14.8.28 7:42 PM (39.7.xxx.220)

    20 이 티비 프로그램은 전혀 지루하지 않다.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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