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오늘 이야기 이정도인가요??(영어로..옮겼어요)

흠... 조회수 : 1,771
작성일 : 2014-05-19 01:17:37

평화 시위인데, 경찰들에게 의해서 어쩔 수없이 고립되었다가 연행됨
어제랑 오늘 잡힌 사람들 
인도에 있는데 연행되고 고등학생도 연행됨 
오늘 민주화 운동 날임... 

그리고 KBS에 대한 이야기, 김시곤 본부장 
그리고 아직 대치중이다

너무 소프트 하게 썼나요..

글 사이즈 수정이 안되요 죄송해요 


I am not a professional reporter but I would like to report what is happening over the weekend in the Republic of Korea. 

It seems that Korean police have been arresting peaceful protesters by forcing and trapping them in to a corner just like an operation. 

There have been weekend street rallies to protest the government’s poor handling of the sinking of a  ferry off the southeast coast of South Korea last April, 16. 

Yesterday, nearly 50,000 citizens gathered at the center of Seoul and showed condolences to the loses of lives, and requested the government to get things done; corruption, incompetent government officials, many doubts and suspicion related to this issue. 

Yesterday, around 120 citizens were marching down the street, but suddenly they were forced to walk a motoring road rather than sidewalk. They were isolated and finally arrested by police. Some plain clothes policeman were in the crowd. That is what citizens are talking about online. 

Tonight, during protest, around 90 citizens were isolated and blocked by police. I watched it through online TV AFRICA. 

It was filmed by an individual citizen with his smartphone. 

In this video, a female kept saying, police block the road and threaten us to disperse, otherwise they will arrest us. However, there seems to way to go home, even citizens wanted to go home. Actually, the citizens were in the middle of dispercing. 

So, some citizens watching online call it police operation as hare coursing or paint motion. 

Citizens resisted by making a human chain, laying down the street. The police officer announced that it seems that citizens are refusing to go home, now let’s start arrest them one by one. 

Then police started to suppress the crowd. It seems most of citizens were female. Even male police officers touched female protesters’ bodies during arrest, and it was shocking since female police officers are supposed to touch females. 

Today of 1980 is when the military army of Korea killed thousands of people, who demanded democracy and fair election in Gwangju. The former president, Chun Doo-whan massacred so many citizens in Gwangju. After that, May 18 is designated as Gwangju Democratization Movement. The protesters said that today is the democratization movement day of Korea. Police Shame on you. 

The first video is during the Stay-in-Place Protest or Keep-Still Protest, a silent protest, the police blocked the crowed saying that the rally was not approved in advance. Citizens asked to march down to the Blue House in silence, however, had no choice but to sit on the ground by stopped the police, on March 18, 2014. 

The second video is about a rally starting from Sinchon. When the citizens arrived in Ganghawmoon, at the center of Seoul, suddenly the police blocked them by mentioning marching down is illegal according to the traffic laws. Citizens said that they wanted to march down on the sidewalk rather than roads for cars, however, the police arrested them all. 

One man was wating for a bus to go home, but unfortunately arrested becase he accidently was close to the protesters. Even high school students were arrested and then were able to go home later. 

Now it is said that several lawyers from the Lawyers for Democratic Society are ready for helping those protesters arrested. 

Currently major news outlets are controlled by the government. Therfore, if citizens want to see the facts and true, they have no choice but to turn on alternative news outlets. There is a big gap between who only watch major news outlets and those who not. 

One high-level manger,Kim Si-koen, of the Korean Broadcasting System, KBS, revealed that the station has been controlled by the CEO and the government. Days ago, he pushed himself into trouble by saying inappropriate words: the sinking of Sewol is not really a big accident since so many lives are lost due to car accidents every year. Kim said the the CEO asked him to resign, otherwise the CEO can not hold the position. The CEO said that it is an intention of President Park, while crying. 

Even some reporters of KBS publicly apologized to the public for not reporting the true but all the news wanted by the government. 

Now, 00:58 a.m. May 19, 2014, several citizes are confronted with polce. It seems so dangerous, the crowd is isolated in Seoul. Could you clik on? 

IP : 112.169.xxx.246
12 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 셀프 폭동
    '14.5.19 1:25 AM (112.159.xxx.4)

    그냥 고립되었다가 연행된 것이 아니라 셀프 폭동에 당했습니다.
    극수구꼴통 집단인 활빈당이 깃발을 올리니 경찰이 갑자기 청와대 쪽으로 뛰었고,
    활빈당도 같이 차도로 뛰어들었고, 경찰이 뒤돌아서 방패로 찍으며 시민들을 자극했고,
    도와주려는 착한시민들이 쫓아오자 마구잡이 난장판....

  • 2. 폭동..
    '14.5.19 1:34 AM (112.169.xxx.246)

    제가 지금 BBC랑 NYT에는 보냈어요
    그런데 이메일을 잘 찾은건지 모르겟어요 ...

    다른 언론사는 아직 못했어요;; 찾기가 어려워요
    제가 몇개 웹사이트 주소는 삭제 했어요

  • 3.
    '14.5.19 1:39 AM (218.51.xxx.5)

    헉 수고하셨어요.감사합니다~

  • 4. 와 대단하시네요
    '14.5.19 1:44 AM (203.226.xxx.77)

    저의 영어 공부에도 도움될 듯 하네요.
    첫 댓글 내용은 틀렸네요. 폭동이 아닌 중학생까지도 마구잡이로 연행해갔습니다. 불법연행이죠.

  • 5. 혹시..ㅜㅜ
    '14.5.19 1:45 AM (112.169.xxx.246)

    다른 외신 언론사의 보도 쪽 이메일 알려주실 수 있는 분들 있나요?
    아래 ㅜㅜ클릭 해봐도 이메일 주소가 안보여요

  • 6. 이메일은 모르고
    '14.5.19 1:51 AM (203.226.xxx.77)

    여기 외신이라고 키워드 치니 몇몇개 링크되어 있네요.
    제가 핸드폰이라 링크를 못걸어서 죄송하네요.

  • 7. 네..
    '14.5.19 1:52 AM (112.169.xxx.246)

    링크 클릭해봐도 못찼겠어서요 ㅜㅜ

  • 8. 이메일은 아니지만
    '14.5.19 1:52 AM (71.197.xxx.123)

    NYT 트윗은

  • 9. 이메일은 아니지만
    '14.5.19 1:54 AM (71.197.xxx.123)

    USA Today

  • 10. 이메일은 아니지만
    '14.5.19 1:56 AM (71.197.xxx.123)


  • 11. 아래에 있던 댓글중
    '14.5.19 2:10 AM (218.51.xxx.5)

    BBC : haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk

    CNN : 제보 

    트위터 @TeamCNN

    NYT : 제보 

    트위터 @nytsupport

    WP : 제보 

    트위터 @washingtonpost

    AP : 페이스북 



    Reuter : 페이스북 

    트위터 http://twitter.com/reuters

  • 12. 박근혜하야
    '14.5.19 8:37 AM (121.161.xxx.30) - 삭제된댓글

    님, 너무 멋져요. 수고에 감사드립니다.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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