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펌)연아 항고 막고 있는 고위층이 있어서 지금 항소 못한다고 독일신문에 떴음

1470만 조회수 : 2,543
작성일 : 2014-03-20 16:08:03

연아 판정 관련 항소와 관련한 피겨 스케이팅 팬들의 요청 및 집회 움직임에 대해서

독일 기자가 기사를 썼다. 원문은 아래와 같고, 독일어라 google 번역기로 대충 영문으로 번역한 것임.

그런데 기사 말미에 보면 서류 준비는 다 되어 있는데, 최고위층이 항소에 동의하지 않는다고 관계자의 말을 인용한 구절이 있다.


이 동의하지 않는 최고위층이 도대체 누구냐?




Mass campaign urges oppositionFigure skating fans wishing to challenge scandal judgment in Olympic women's competition

Seoul. The controversial judgment in the Olympic figure skating competition of the ladies, in which the gold medal to the dismay of fans and experts was awarded to the Russian Adelina Sotnikowa place on Yuna Kim (South Korea), maybe has a sequel. In recent weeks, movement has come into the matter.

The over two million signatories of a petition calling for a revision of the obvious wrong decision, have achieved nothing. May be in trouble over the powerful world governing body ISU However, if the Korean Skating Union - with the support of the National Olympic Committee - submits an official objection. To achieve this, the Facebook group "Golden Yuna" has launched a wide-ranging action. IOC members, politicians and sports officials are prompted for days in letters, calls and e-mails to finally take action. In major newspapers you see ads. To increase the pressure, considering you even demonstrations outside the offices of policy makers. "What happened in Sochi, was devastating for figure skating sport," explains Suzanne Kim of the U.S., which is one of the coordinators of the mass campaign. "The shameless fraud by some corrupt judges has made me angry. Therefore I feel very motivated to do everything possible to change this disgraceful result."

Insiders report, the document defining the required opposition was now prepared. Currently, prospects and possible consequences would be explored. "The highest officials do not agree," says blogger Doo Heon Song. "Things are not so simple. This is a diplomatic matter." Until 21 March a decision must fall. Then the 30-day period expires. (Tc)


어떤 개새냐? 여러분 이것좀 많이 퍼뜨려 주세요

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  • 1. 랑데뷰
    '14.3.20 4:14 PM (183.106.xxx.161)

    어떤 개새냐?

  • 2. ..
    '14.3.20 4:16 PM (119.200.xxx.89)


  • 3. 00
    '14.3.20 4:17 PM (223.62.xxx.37)

    그럴줄 알았어. 누군지 밝혀지면 좋겠다.
    만약 선거 나오는 인물이면 본때를 보여줄테다

  • 4. 투딸
    '14.3.20 4:17 PM (124.49.xxx.65)

    연아 애정해마지않고 분노합니다만 퍼트리진 못하겠네요.
    송두헌 블로거가 누군지는 모르겠지만 그리 공신력있는 발언이라고 보여지진 않아요.. 안타까워요.

  • 5. ...
    '14.3.20 4:25 PM (180.70.xxx.55)

    아....정말 첩첩산중이네요.

  • 6. 나비
    '14.3.20 4:35 PM (121.55.xxx.172)

    꼬라지보니 친일앞자비겠네..더러운 ㅅㄲ들

  • 7. ...
    '14.3.20 4:35 PM (121.171.xxx.57)

    송두헌이란 블로거가 그렇게 말했다는데요?

  • 8. 스피릿이
    '14.3.20 4:38 PM (114.129.xxx.179)


  • 9. ...
    '14.3.20 9:41 PM (112.155.xxx.72)

    빙연 회장 부화장 그리고 박근혜 아닐까요?

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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