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IOC에 직접 항의해요

아이엄마 조회수 : 1,647
작성일 : 2014-02-21 13:50:24
legal@olympic.org : IOC 메일주소입니다.

http://www.facebook.com/olympics : 페이스북

http://www.isu.org/en/contact-us : 이름 멜주소 적으시고 종목 피겨체크, 메세지 적으시면 됩니다.

방상아 해설위원이 언급한 IOC 홈페이지 링크입니다.
이번 문제는 금메달 한개만의 문제가 아니라 김연아 선수와 대한민국의 명예가 걸려있어요. 
무엇보다도 지켜보고 있는 아이에게 뭐라고 해야할지 몰라서 이렇게라도 항의하려구요. 
제가 급하게 작성해본 영어 항의문이에요. 다른분들이 보시고 다듬어서 보내시면 좋겠어요. 
Demand an open investigation into judging decisions of women’s figure skating and rejudgement at the Sochi Olympics. 

The result of Ladies Figure Skating at Sochi upsets the world, severely damaging the spirit of fair competition in the Olympic Games. The world witnessed Yuna Kim performed both of her skating programs (short and long programs) with perfection. First of all, Kim was grossly underscored for her short program and second of all, while the last night’s gold medalist Adelina Sotnikova did her best, her performance, including insecure jumps and landings both in her short and long programs, was not strong enough to beat Yuna Kim’s scores. 

Adelina Sotnikova previous scores were 175.98 (2013.03. World Competition) and 173.30 (2013.12. Grand prix Final), but she got FIFTY MORE POINTS (224.50) last night with the same program. Seriously, has any skater ever made such a massive leap from their previous best in the history of figure skating?

As we learn from the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics judging scandal, I agree with many people in the world that the poor and questionable judging tainted the final outcome in this competition. One of the judges for Thursday’s women’s competition is married to the general director of the Russian figure skating federation. Another, from Ukraine, was at the center of a voting scandal in ice dancing at the 1998 Nagano Olympics.
Therefore, I strongly urge an open investigation into judging decisions of women’s figure skating and demand rejudgement at the Sochi Olympics. 

I agree with many other upset voices around the world that this sport needs to be held accountable if it wants more people to believe in it –and most of all, to believe in the Olympic Spirits of Fair Competition.
IP : 110.8.xxx.155
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 아이엄마
    '14.2.21 1:50 PM (110.8.xxx.155)



  • 2. ...
    '14.2.21 1:51 PM (203.249.xxx.21)

    카피해서 보낼게요.

  • 3. 아까
    '14.2.21 1:53 PM (59.14.xxx.242)

    서명운동 싸이트 들어갔더니 과부하인지 오류인지 안열리더군요ㅠ

  • 4. ㅇㅇ
    '14.2.21 2:05 PM (61.254.xxx.206)

    수고에 감사합니다. 2군데 보냈어요

  • 5. .....
    '14.2.21 2:35 PM (125.133.xxx.209)

    글 참 잘 쓰셨네요.
    저도 보냈어요..
    저는 다음을 추가했어요..
    비디오 판독을 도입해달라는 거랑, 심판들의 이름을 병기해달라는 거요.
    사실 이런 것들, 연아가 매번 편파판정에 당하기 전에 우리가 이룩해줬어야 하는 것 같아요..
    늦었지만 이제라도. ㅠ

    I copy pasted a well written letter for IOC, which I personally 100% agree to.
    Also, I think it is right to adopt instant video replay to the judgement system for figure skating, just like other sports, so that every edge, jump, downgrading, prerotation, and underrotation could be accurately judeged without controversy.
    And all the judge's name should be written next to their judgement, so that wrong or biased decisions would not hide behind the anonymity.

  • 6. .....
    '14.2.21 2:39 PM (125.133.xxx.209)

    그런데 저기 IOC 컨택트어스에 글 넣고 submit 누르면, 잘 들어갔다는 무슨 글이라도 나오나요?
    저는 아무것도 안 나오고, 다시 글 입력할 수 있는 창으로 넘어가던데..
    잘 들어갔는지 모르겠어서 두 번 넣었네요 ㅠ

  • 7. 컨택
    '14.2.21 2:51 PM (110.8.xxx.155)

    저도 그렇게 화면이 나오길래 위에있는 IOC 이메일 주소로 다시 한번 보냈어요

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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