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궁금합니다 조회수 : 1,317
작성일 : 2013-12-30 22:51:14

에릭클랩튼 관련 기사를 보다가 궁금한 점이 생겼는데 물어볼 곳이 여기밖에 생각 안나서 여쭙니다.

이 기사의 제목에서 49-Story Fall 이 무슨 뜻인가요?

고층 빌딩에서 떨어진 사람 기사에도 비슷한 표현이 나오던데, 이 기사에서는 왜 49인지 잘 모르겠어요.

가르쳐주시면 감사하겠습니다.




Eric Clapton's Son Killed in a 49-Story Fall
Published: March 21, 1991

The 4 1/2-year-old son of the rock guitarist Eric Clapton was killed yesterday morning when he fell out an open bedroom window on the 53d floor of a Manhattan apartment building.

The boy, Conor, who was dressed in red pajamas and slippers, landed on the roof of a four-story building next to Galleria Condominiums, a 57-story building where the boy was staying with his mother, the police said.

They said the window, about 6 feet high and 4 feet wide, was left open after it was cleaned by a housekeeper. The boy, who was not in the room during the cleaning, darted past the housekeeper and somehow fell out the window, which was not protected by a window guard, the police said.

"At this point it seems as if this was a tragic accident," said a police spokesman, Capt. Stephen Davis.

Besides the housekeeper, the boy's mother, Lori Del Santo, an Italian television actress, was in the duplex with a maid and a friend, the police said.

Mr. Clapton, a founder of the rock groups Cream and Derek and the Dominos, was in New York on vacation. He does not live with Ms. Del Santo but went to the apartment after being called by a friend, the police said.

Captain Davis said the Health Department was investigating whether the condominium was in violation of city regulations requiring window guards in apartments where children under 12 years of age live.

IP : 58.127.xxx.110
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ...
    '13.12.30 11:10 PM (116.32.xxx.136)

    53층에서 옆건물(4층짜리 건물)로 떨어졌으니까 49층 높이만큼 떨어져서 죽은거에요.

  • 2. 원글
    '13.12.30 11:21 PM (58.127.xxx.110)

    아... 그런 거였군요.
    ...님, 가르쳐주셔서 감사합니다~

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