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드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방

제 영작 좀 봐주세요

ㅠㅠ 조회수 : 736
작성일 : 2013-12-04 04:23:39

receiving : export department

We have waited for your material who sent last week is arrive, but It has not reached yet.

Data as it arrives I'll start with the customer business.


We target at first a company which is using A's product.

We want to change A's AAA and BBB to the model of CCC produced by your company.

We are supposed to order the sample after meeting customers.


We are await your contract.

Check and contact if you have hoping point to fix it.

Quick mutual communication will make advantage each other.

Please reply.

수신 :  수출부
우리는 귀사가 지난주에 당사로 발송한 자료를 기다리고 있습니다만 아직 자료가 도착되지 않았습니다.
자료가 도착하는 대로 고객과의 비지니스를 시작하겠습니다.
1. 우리는 A사의 상품을 사용하는 회사를 1차 TARGET로 삼앗습니다.
   A사의 AAA모델과 BBB모델의 제품을  ,귀사가 생산하는 CCC모델로 교체코자합니다.
  고객과 미팅후  샘플주문  가능성이 있습니다.
2. 우리는 귀사로부터 계약서를 기다리고 있습니다.
    고칠점이 있다면 체크해서 연락주길 바랍니다.
   서로간에 빠른 커뮤니케이션은  서로의 이익에 도움이됩니다.
   회신을 바랍ㄴ다.
제가 롸이팅을 더럽게 못합니다.
검토 부탁드려요
IP : 125.141.xxx.157
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 일단
    '13.12.4 4:27 AM (125.141.xxx.157)

    세실박님 감사드려요.찬조 문장 잇습니다.

  • 2. Zzz
    '13.12.4 5:30 AM (86.30.xxx.177)

    We are still waiting for your material, which you sent last week.
    As soon as we receive the item (materials) then we will start the business with our custormer

    1. Our first target is for the companies, are using the A prouduct
    We would like to replace your company's model ccc from aaa and bbb
    We may ask some samples as well after meeting with customers,

  • 3. ㅋㅋㅋ
    '13.12.4 5:31 AM (75.94.xxx.61)

    윗분, 글이 길어 짤렸지요?
    저두 그래서 걍 포기... 세실박 님은 쪽지로 보내셨나 부네.

  • 4. Zzz
    '13.12.4 5:33 AM (86.30.xxx.177)

    2 could you send the contract as soon as possible?
    Please check properly ( the contract?....뭘 확인해야 하는지 적으시길... 물건인지...게약서인지 헷갈림 문맥상 ) and If there are any changes or questions do not hesitate to contact us

    Quick mutual comunication will give betther benefit to both of us.

    We are looking forward to hearing from you
    Best regards

  • 5. Zzz
    '13.12.4 5:44 AM (86.30.xxx.177)

    Quick mutual comunication will give betther benefit to both of us.
    이 표현 보단...
    그냥 이렇게 표현하심이 외국 정서에 맞을듯

    Please reply as soon as possible to be able to start this business soon

  • 6. ... draft
    '13.12.4 6:07 AM (218.145.xxx.98)

    Mr./Mis. oooo
    Export Dep.
    ooooo Co.

    Dear sir,

    This refers to our ltr (date).

    2. Kindly please let us know when we receive the contract we sent you for your review? Further, if you have any proposed modification or amendment in respect of the any portion thereof, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • 7. Heavenly1
    '13.12.4 6:35 AM (158.184.xxx.4)

    Date: 발신날자
    From: 본인 이름
    To: Export Dept, Company XXXX

    We are still waiting for your material that was sent out last week.
    We will start our business with customers as soon as we receive your materials.

    1. Our primary target companies will be those who are using the products from A. Our plan is to recommend the use of your model CCC in place of AAA and BBB models from company A. After our customer meeting, there is a possibility for ordering some samples.

    2. We are waiting for your contracts currently. Please let us know if there is any changes or comments from your side.

    We’d like to hear from you soon so that we can start our business quickly.


    본인 서명, 이름,

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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