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아이들 액티비티 계약서 꼼꼼히 읽어보세요.

학부형 조회수 : 1,824
작성일 : 2013-09-04 01:13:56

거의 모든 학부형들이 아이들 액티비티 계약시 계약서를 꼼꼼히 읽어보시지 않으실겁니다.

사회에서 서로가 신뢰를 하기 때문이고, 누가 자기 제자를 속일까 싶은 믿음이있기 때문이겠지만,


세상에는 몇년을 가르친 어린 제자와의 약속도 돈 때문에 버리는 사람도 있습니다.









이 기사에는 사범의 자격이 5단인데, 아직은 공식적으로는 4단 이라고 합니다

그러나 미국내 일부 주에서는 5단이라고 합니다.

예전에 이내용을 올린적이 있는데, 이 사실을 정정하고자,  다시 올리는 것입니다.




혹..태권도에 관심있는 미국인들이 있으면 조언을 해주셔서 한국의 위상이 떨어지지 않도록 전해 주시면 좋겠습니다.


Check your contract before you sign in. " The Center reserves the right to amend or add these rules and conditions and to adopt new rules and conditions as it may deems necessary" he uses it as he needs.
Even you are verbally promised regarding Kukkiwon or WTF certification and lesson,he does not honor his verbal promise. You may want to ask, and if it is verbally agreed, then add it to the contract text.

After my kids attended his school 4 years and paid the fee for Kukkiwon official certification, he said he changed his policy, with no notification. This was due to the certification given was his own, and not official Kukkiwon(World Taekwondo headquarters in Korea) certification, but contractually he was only to issue a "certification".

I inquired with the WTF regarding his current status, and I received a letter saying he is not a member.

Here are a couple of websites for more information.

You need to get an official certification if you want to compete at the olympics, his "personal certification" will not show a verified "black belt" in the realm of official rules. Also, you will need official certifications if you want to teach at a sanctioned school.Kukkiwon certification is the only one transferable to any taekwondo school in the world.

If you just want to go for a short time, certifications are not an issue, but if you put the time and monetary commitment to gain a black belt, you should be sure you paid for a certification that is transferable and valid by the official groups, and Eun's Martial Arts will not provide this.

There are other choices in the Knoxville area, and several schools do provide this level of certification, for the same costs, so I would determine your goals, and then make the appropriate choice.

Even one star is too much for him..

Thank you.

IP : 69.131.xxx.131
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