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아시아나 항공 샌프랜공항 재착륙 기록 높아 조사한답니다

heavenly1 조회수 : 1,416
작성일 : 2013-07-29 12:59:27
이번 사고조사단이 아시아나를 방문하는 이유중의 하나가 
아시아나항공 샌프랜공항 재착륙시도 기록이 너무 높아서 훈련과정을 조사하는 것이 포함된다네요샌프랜시스코공항당국의 발표에 따르면 아시아나항공의 재착륙시도가 타 항공사에 비해서 상당히 높아서 조사를 하게 됐답니다. 사고난 후 이전 6주간의 기록을 검토한 결과 하루 600번 착륙하는 샌프랜공항에 아시아나는 0.5% (하루 3번?) 타 항공사와 비교해 첫번 시도에 착륙을 못해 다시 재착륙을 하는 비율이 월등 높고 사고 전  6/19일에도 착륙 14초 전에 재이륙을하여 2번째 시도에 제대로 착륙하였답니다, 아시아나의 훈련기록을 검토하고 공식적으로 아시아나의 촛자 조종사는 착륙 금지하던지 유나이티드나 경험있는 조종사만 착륙하는 것을 고려한답니다. 

이런 창피가...... 
이럴 때 상대적으로 다른 국적기가 돋보이네요
SFO worries over Asiana’s landing record 

Asiana Airlines has an unusually high rate of aborted landings at San Francisco International Airport — something has become an issue for officials from here to Washington, D.C., since one of the carrier’s planes crashed at SFO. 

Asiana’s number of aborted landings, or “go-arounds,” is six to eight times greater than would be expected given the airline’s total number of flights into SFO, according to sources familiar with the numbers. 

The pilots on the Asiana flight that crashed July 6 called for a go-around seconds before the Boeing 777 slammed into a seawall short of the runway, apparently because the plane was flying too slow. Three passengers died and about 180 were injured. 

After the crash, airline industry officials went through six weeks of records and found a “considerably higher” number of aborted landings by Asiana than would be expected, said our sources, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not cleared to make the information public. 

The South Korean airline accounts for only about 0.5 percent of SFO’s 600 daily landings. Its go-around total, however, is well above that. 
One such aborted landing happened July 19, just days after SFO reopened the runway where Flight 214 crashed. The Asiana jet pulled out of its early-afternoon landing just 14 seconds from touchdown. 

Sources tell us the plane appeared to be coming in too low and too fast. The plane landed without incident 18 minutes later. 

“Thank God nothing happened,” said Larry Mazzola, president of the Airport Commission. 

Airport Director John Martin has told commissioners that the rate of aborted landings raised concerns about whether Asiana pilots are properly trained. “I believe that John has been pushing with Asiana because there have been previous issues with them not being able to land properly,” said Commissioner Eleanor Johns. 

She said Martin has “gone above and beyond” what’s needed to keep the Federal Aviation Administration briefed about Asiana’s problems. 

“John is proposing that Asiana no longer allow novice pilots to land and only have experienced pilots,’’ Johns said. The pilot at the controls of Flight 214 had never flown a Boeing 777 into SFO before and was being supervised by a trainer pilot, federal investigators say. 

Martin also wants “to have some other experienced pilot — like an FAA official or a United pilot — on board as well,” Johns said. United Airline is a U.S. partner of Asiana under an international grouping called the Star Alliance. 

Johns said Asiana’s pilots appear to be overly reliant on instrument-guided landings and lack the training to touch down manually. It’s unclear how Flight 214’s pilots were trying to land. 

Back in Washington, Sen. Dianne Feinstein has been meeting with officials from the aviation agency and National Transportation Safety Board about Asiana’s problems. She’s even touched base with South Korea’s U.S. ambassador. 

“I was assured that they are on top of it and taking action,” Feinstein said. 
When we asked Martin about Asiana, he told us in a statement Friday that his “top priority at SFO is safety.’’ 

With the airport’s instrument landing system out of service for repairs until Aug. 22, Martin said he has reached an agreement with Asiana and the Federal Aviation Administration to allow pilots to rely on a GPS system “as a suitable alternative’’ to help guide their landings. 

“I am also pleased with the Korean Civil Aviation Authority’s commitment to evaluate additional measures,” he said. 

The Federal Aviation Administration declined to immediately release Asiana’s complete statistics on aborted landings, asking that our request be put in writing. 
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