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스페인어 노래 뜻 좀~somos hoy

올라 조회수 : 1,407
작성일 : 2013-07-18 23:40:30

스페인어 공부를 시작하면서, (왕초보)

somos hoy 라는 노래를 듣고 있는데요,

가사 뜻이 나와있는 곳이 없네요.

가사를 아시는 분 없으신가요?


무슨 내용인지라도 궁금해요 흑 ㅠㅠ

IP : 183.98.xxx.123
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 구글번역..
    '13.7.18 11:46 PM (218.237.xxx.55)

    영어로 해봤더니 이렇네요. 대충의 뜻은 파악될 듯....

    life are written on the walls
    we are branded as rebels,
    photographs and images of an infinite film.
    are guilty of being innocent,
    stubborn and unconscious.
    storm bursts,
    and flags of happiness,
    soldiers who shoots love and war.
    pages are today,
    where to write fables,
    salt in the tears,
    kissing in the cinema das,
    as opposed to a single hero I am, (I'm just)
    are today.
    We messages within bottles
    traveling to the stars,
    history that may fill,
    the books of truth.
    souls we talk together,
    skin under diverse
    're all castaways
    through the streets of a city,
    soldiers who shoots love and the war
    pages are today,
    the most fantastic night,
    music notes,
    the sun will always come back,
    as opposed to a single hero I am, (I'm just)
    are today.
    of a dream that had
    in another spring,
    we all hate and snow melt
    and sea collect soul.
    pages are today,
    where to write fables,
    music notes,
    life will not end
    as opposed to a single hero I am, (I'm just)
    are today.
    are today

  • 2. ...
    '13.7.18 11:52 PM (180.228.xxx.117)

    스페인어 어떻게 공부하고 계시나요?
    학원? 독습? 인터넷강의?

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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