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드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방

간단한 영작, 좀 고쳐주세요. pls

작성일 : 2013-05-31 03:10:07

Open your book to page 20.  

Look at the picture. There are two girls & one adult.

Mary, wearing pink cloths, brought her friend Jenny home.

Mary is introducing Jenny to her Mother.

Do you konw how to introduce friend?

Repeat after me, class.


Look at the picture.

You can see one boy and two girls.

The boy's name is Jimin. The blonde girl is Alice and the other girl is Jenny.

Jimin and Alice know each other but Jimin saw her friend, Jenny, first time.

In that case, what does Jimin ask Jenny?


Look at page 26.

In this picture, you can see a party. It's Alice's birthday party.

What are they doing?

Jimin and David came for congraturation.

They brought some present for Alice and giving them her.

When they give a present what are they going say?


Let's see page 27.

It's connected with past page 26.

Alice looks very happy. She is very plased with the birthday gifts.

After getting gifts, what is she going say to boys?


Look at page 34.

The girl is Mary. Where is she? Yes right. She is in the Dentist office.

She have a bad toothache. The Dentist office fixes teeth.

A dentist came in.

What are she going say to Mary?


Jimin came home after school.

His mother prepared some sandwich at table.

He is very hungry and wants to eat Sandwich just now.

But he is very dirty. He got dirt on his cloths and hands.

What does he have to do before eating?

What his mother going say?



IP : 115.140.xxx.33
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 열심히 숙제중인 아줌마
    '13.5.31 3:11 AM (115.140.xxx.33)

    네...목적은 어떤 사진을 보고 설명하는거에요.
    설명을 듣는 대상은 초등 저학년이라 최대한 짧고 단순한 표현으로 영작한건데
    문법적으로 맞는건지? 아님 다른 자연스런 표현들이 있는지?
    문법 오류좀 고쳐주시고, 좋은표현들좀 알려주세요
    사십넘어 영어공부 하느라 땀나네요 ^^

  • 2. mgrey
    '13.5.31 3:26 AM (175.197.xxx.90)

    Open your book to page 20.

    Look at the picture. There are two girls & one adult.

    Mary in pink brought her friend Jenny home.

    Mary is going to introduce Jenny to her mother.

    Do you konw how to introduce people(굳이 친구로 해야겠다면 friends)?

    Repeat after me, class.


    Look at the picture.

    You see a boy and two girls.

    The boy is Jimin. The blonde girl, Alice and the other girl, Jenny.

    Jimin and Alice know each other but Jimin meets Alice's friend, Jenny for the first time.

    In that case, how does Jimin greet Jenny?


    Look at page 26.

    In this picture, you see a party. It's Alice's birthday party.

    What are they doing?

    Jimin and David come to congratulate Alice.

    They bring a birthday present for Alice.

    When they give Alice a present, what are they going to say to Alice?


    Let's see page 27.

    It's continued from page 26.

    Alice looks very happy. She is very pleased with the birthday presents.

    After receiving gifts, what is she going say to friends?

  • 3. mgrey
    '13.5.31 3:27 AM (175.197.xxx.90)

    의외로 시간이 많이 걸리네요. 나머진 나중에.

  • 4. 원글이
    '13.5.31 3:50 AM (115.140.xxx.33)

    너무들 감사해요. 아까 첫 댓글 남겨주신 (삭제하셧네요) 분도 감사해요. 쉬운 표현으로 바꿨어용^^
    mgrey님 표현이 더 자연스럽네용..제가 원하던 바를 콕 찝어서 써주셨어요. 나머지 두개도 좀 부탁드림 안될까요? 낼 11시 수업이에용
    다른 분들도 다른 표현 좀 알려주세요. 한줄 한줄 답글이 너무도 소중하네요
    역시 82cook짱~

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