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영어 한 문장 해석 부탁드릴께요. ^^

... 조회수 : 552
작성일 : 2013-05-25 13:17:17
The danger abroad is that he takes too hard a line, confusing national pride with a destructive and backward-looking nationalism. He belongs to a minority that has come to see Japan’s post-war tutelage under America 
as a humiliation. His supporters insist he has learned that minimising Japan’s wartime guilt is unacceptable. 
And yet he has already stirred up ill will with China and South Korea by asking whether imperial Japan 
(for which his grandfather helped run occupied Manchuria) really was an aggressor, and by allowing 
his deputy to visit the Yasukuni shrine, where high-ranking war criminals are honoured among Japan’s war dead. Besides, Mr Abe also seems to want more than the standing army Japan now needs and deserves. 
The talk is of an overhaul of the liberal parts of the constitution, unchanged since it was handed down by 
America in 1947, Mr Abe risks feeding regional rivalries, which could weaken economic growth by 
threatening trade.

The talk is of an overhaul of the liberal parts of the constitution, unchanged since it was handed down by
 America in 1947, Mr Abe risks feeding regional rivalries, which could weaken economic growth by 
threatening trade.

위 문장 구문과 해석 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ 
특히 the liberal parts of the constitution 이 헌법의 어떤 부분인지를 모르겠어요
도움 부탁드립니다. 
좋은 주말되세요 ~~~ 

지난번에 이상한 숫자 가져와서 알려 달라고 했을때 알려주신분 너무 감사드려요 ^^ 
그리고 괄호를 가로로 써서.. 심려 끼쳐드린 분께는 너무 죄송해요 
급한 마음에 소리 나는대로 적었어요 ㅠㅠ 
앞으론 맞춤법 신경쓸께요 
좋은 주말되세요 ~~^^

IP : 61.105.xxx.31
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 레기나
    '13.5.25 1:19 PM (221.148.xxx.244)

    헌법상 자유권인데 자유권이라 하면 대개 신체의 자유를 필두로 하여 재산권같은 건데요 문장을 읽지는 않았고 the liberal parts of the constitution 부분만 가지고 한 이야기입니다

  • 2. ...
    '13.5.25 1:26 PM (61.105.xxx.31)

    레기나님 정말로 감사해요. 좋은 주말 되세요 ^^

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