But to stride in jauntilythey will have to change the way they work. Gartner, a consultancy, haspredicted that by 2017 they will spend more on technology than their companies’chief information officers. Already 70% of big American firms employ a “chiefmarketing technologist”, says Gartner. With the shift in emphasis fromset-piece campaigns to rapid responses, CMOs need more people working directlyfor them. This is putting into reverse a 20-year trend of favouring “workingspend” (what consumers see) over “non-working spend” (overheads), says DominicField of the Boston Consulting Group.
This is putting into reverse a 20-year trend of favouring “working spend” (what consumers see) over “non-working spend” (overheads), says Dominic Field of the Boston Consulting Group.
이문장에서 working spend와 non-working spend를 어떻게 해석해 줘야 하나요?
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