mark is a really bright kid and i enjoy having him in my class.
That being said, it is often difficult to engage him and keep him and keep him focused on the lesson at hand.
he can be quite moody and often disruptive when called on.
mark demonstrates a vrey good level of comprehension, both listening and
reading, and can express himself in English with only a little help. If mark put
a little more effort into his work he could easily be at the top of his class.
드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
아들셋 조회수 : 666
작성일 : 2013-02-14 17:48:53
IP :
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
1. ㅇㅇㅇ
'13.2.14 5:50 PM (산만하고 성질부리는데 좀 열심히 하면 잘할수 있을텐데...
2. 름름이
'13.2.15 4:00 AM (전반적으로 우수하게 수업은 잘 따라가고 조금만 더 노력하면 가장 우수한 학생의 자질은 충분한데~ 좀 태도가 산만하고 수업에 집중을 안한다네요. 수업태도 부분에 대해 아이와 대화하시고 주의를 주심이 ㅎ
3. 름름이
'13.2.15 4:01 AM (네, 구리고 수업에서 성질부린대요!!!
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