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도와주세요. 조회수 : 729
작성일 : 2013-01-13 08:13:47

zulily라는 사이트에서 아이물건을 주문했는데 한 오너는 주문 취소해달라고 메일을 보냈더니 아래처럼 답장이왔어요.

카드결재 취소를 해준다는 말인지요?

아....짧은영어로 메일을 잘못적은건지...

오더취소는 해주고 카드를 어케한다는것인지 도저히 뭔말인지 몰라 도움요청합니다.그리고 또 아래 메일이 또 왔어요.

영어고수분! 도와주세요!!!

Thank you for contacting zulily regarding your recent purchase. We are so sorry to hear that you are no longer interested in keeping your order. This email is to inform you that your zulily order # 30978**** has been canceled, as you requested.

As you used a credit card to place this transaction, your credit card will not be charged for this order. The original authorization placed on this card will be voided and the pending charge should fall off your card within 3-5 business days from the original order date.

Personally, I'd like to thank you for becoming a wonderful zulily member since 10/26/2012! Just a reminder, you can earn some extra shopping money by just inviting your friends and family! For every new member you refer to zulily, you’ll earn a USD $20 credit. The credit will show up in your account just as soon as your friend's or family first purchase ships. Then, it's time to shop some more!

We appreciate your business and we're always available to answer any additional questions you may have. You can call us at 877-779-5615 Monday-Friday from 6am-8pm PT, Saturday & Sunday from 6am-6pm PT, or emailservice@zulily.com anytime.

Have a wonderful day!
Best Wishes,

Thank you for contacting zulily. We are sorry to inform you that we cannot re-instate an order once it has been cancelled. We do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

And just a reminder! Earn some shopping money! Invite all your friends and family! For every new member you refer to zulily, you’ll earn a USD $20 credit. The credit will show up in your account just as soon as your friend's or family first purchase ships. Then, it's time to shop some more!

IP : 1.235.xxx.244
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 하이얀소금
    '13.1.13 8:20 AM (61.80.xxx.241)

    카드는 취소해주고 가족이나 친구들 줄리 사이트에 신규로 가입하면 20달라 적립해준다는 말인데요...

  • 2. 취소
    '13.1.13 10:48 AM (219.255.xxx.98)

    카드 취소하고 카드사에서 처리 다 되는 기간 해서 카드취소 확인까지는 3-5일 걸린대요(한국이나 마찬가지네요)

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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