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간부랑 임원이랑 다른 말인가요?

... 조회수 : 995
작성일 : 2012-12-07 15:29:22

매번 헛갈리네요. 딱 떨어지게 좀 알려주실 분 안 계셔요?



IP : 211.201.xxx.132
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1.
    '12.12.7 3:30 PM (175.223.xxx.42)

    간부는 과장부터 차장부장이구요

    임원은 이사이죠
    상무 전무같은

  • 2. 원글이
    '12.12.7 3:35 PM (211.201.xxx.132)

    그럼 top-management면 임원을 말하는 거겠죠?

  • 3. top management
    '12.12.7 4:14 PM (14.32.xxx.138)

    top management 면 임원 맞을 것 같네요.

    wikipedia 설명을 보면 딱 임원급 설명하는 걸로 보여요. Senior management, executive management, or management team is generally a team of individuals at the highest level of organizational management who have the day-to-day responsibilities of managing a company or corporation, they hold specific executive powers conferred onto them with and by authority of the board of directors and/or the shareholders. There are most often higher levels of responsibility, such as a board of directors and those who own the company (shareholders), but they focus on managing the senior or executive management instead of the day-to-day activities of the business. The executive management typically consists of the heads of the firm's product and/or geographic units and of functional executives such as the chief financial officer, the chief operating officer, and the chief strategy officer.[1] In Project Management, senior management is responsible for authorizing the funding of projects.[2]

    They are sometimes referred to, within corporations, as executive management, top management, upper management, higher management, or simply seniors.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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