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죄송하지만 영어 잘하시는 분! 문법이 맞나 좀 봐주세요...

기쁨이 조회수 : 1,214
작성일 : 2012-11-23 10:34:44

영어과제가 있어서 서툴지만 써봤어요. 혹시 문법적으로 이상한 곳이 있으면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다....좀 길어서 죄송합니다...제목:My favorite trip in my life

My favorite trip in my life was Europe tour.

I have been there with my friend 2 years ago. We've traveled many countries

for a month. We visited England, German, Switzerland, Czecho, and France.

First place we arrived was England. We stayed Korean private house. In England,

We visited London's British Museum houses artifacts from all over the world and historic village. Also we went many torist sites of london, such as Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, and Tower bridge.

Second place was Switzerland. It was the most beautiful place of Europe, I think. At there, we went Schynige Platte, which is called the garden of The Alps by red train. On the way, I saw Tuunersee, Large field, and many cows. We got there, walked along the road. Schynige Platte was really beautiful. There were many pretty wild flowers, and the Alps Jungfrau with crystal white snow was the best scenery I had ever seen so far.

And then we went to Czecho. The beautiful night view of Prazsky hard still remains in my memory as the best one. Also, on the way Prague tour I enjoyed a music played by street musicians.

At last, we went to France. We visited the Louvre Museum, The Musee D'Orsay, the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Eiffel Tower in Paris. and Palace at Versailles. The vest of all was the Eiffel Tower seen on a sightseeing boat of Seine.

Europe has their culture, history, traditions, and many beautiful place. I could feel freedom and romance at there. So my trip across Europe was a very wonderful experience to me.

IP : 1.233.xxx.1
5 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 곡지
    '12.11.23 10:40 AM (222.236.xxx.253)

    I have been there with my friend 2 years ago ; ago는 현재완료 시제와 함게 사용하지 못해요...
    I went to Europe with my friend 2 years ago. 라고 하던지 엇 지금 바빠서..... ㅎ

  • 2. 영어강사
    '12.11.23 10:40 AM (125.188.xxx.152)

    지나간 일은 현재완료 쓰시면 안됩니다.두번째 줄의 현재완료를 그냥 과거시제로 쓰세요.민박집을 korean private house라고 쓴 것도 오역이고 I could feel도 was able to feel로 바꾸세요.

  • 3. 초록비
    '12.11.23 11:06 AM (110.70.xxx.206)


  • 4. 초록비
    '12.11.23 11:07 AM (110.70.xxx.206)

    2,3문장 과거시제로 쓰세요.

  • 5. 기쁨이
    '12.11.23 1:36 PM (1.233.xxx.1)

    아 그렇군요...감사합니다....
    바쁘신데 도움 주셔서 감사합니다...
    잘 고치겠습니다...

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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