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드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방


rrr 조회수 : 703
작성일 : 2012-10-18 21:02:20

Where an investor is not an overseas educational establishment applying for establishment
of a new educational establishment with foreign owned capital at the college or university
level in M(국가명), there must be a written, official undertaking for support for the first five
years of operation from a foreign college or university which has been operating for at least
fifteen (15) years, ensuring supply of training programs which have been evaluated and of
lecturers, until such establishment is itself able to ensure formulation of a training program,
development of a staff of teachers, and has been evaluated and recognized by a
M( 국민) or foreign evaluating body.


두꺼운 부분이 어디에 걸리나요???

IP : 125.184.xxx.158
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ..
    '12.10.18 9:34 PM (114.142.xxx.40)

    foreign college or universitey which...와 연결됩니다.
    혹시 supply of training programs which.. 와 연결되는거 아닌가 하며 혼동스러우신가본데요,
    그런경우라면 and have been 이 되어야 합니다. programs 때문에요.

  • 2. rrr
    '12.10.18 9:56 PM (125.184.xxx.158)

    아...그렇군요..감사합니다^^..편한 밤 되세요..^^

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
댓글입력 작성자 :


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