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싸이 10월 9일 빌보드 기사.

1등 싸이 조회수 : 3,163
작성일 : 2012-10-10 19:37:32

10일 발표가 기대됩니다.



Will PSY crown the Billboard Hot 100 tomorrow?

Again, Maroon 5's "One More Night" ranked as the No. 2 track on Radio Songs last week with 116 million audience impressions, according to Nielsen BDS (up 15 million), while PSY's "Gangnam Style" jumped 34-23 with 46 million impressions (up 12 million). After slightly more than six-and-a-half days of the Radio Songs' tracking week, Maroon 5's audience impressions now stand at 113 million (up 8 million from the same period a week ago). PSY is at 50 million impressions (up 9 million from its week-to-date total last week). "Night" ranks at No. 1 on the building Radio Songs chart, while "Style" is No. 17.

As previously noted, sales, however, could make the difference in "Style" topping the Hot 100, despite Maroon 5's airplay advantage. "Style" is now forecasted to sell 250,000-260,000 by the end of the sales tracking week and "Night," 160,000-170,000. With PSY's projected sales lead, along with "Style" closing the gap on the lead that "Night" held in on-demand streaming last week (see below), he could be on his way to No.  1 on the Hot 100 with "Style."

We find out tomorrow on Billboard.com.

IP : 123.215.xxx.169
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