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미국에서 한미FTA 손해라고 죽는소리 하네요
1. 탱자
'12.10.2 5:25 PM (61.81.xxx.14)농산물에 대한 관세를 줄여서, 농산물의 수출이 증가할 거라고 하잖아요... 이러면 우리나라 농촌이 완전히 거덜나는 것죠.
U.S. concerned about growing trade deficits after FTA with Korea
By Lee Chi-dong
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 (Yonhap) -- A U.S. congressional committee voiced concerns Monday over growing deficits in trade with South Korea following the implementation of a free trade agreement (FTA).
But the Joint Economic Committee (JEC), composed of 10 members each from the Senate and the House of Representatives, said it's premature to conclude that the FTA was a mistake.
In a report on U.S. trade with South Korea, the committee pointed out, "Since the free trade agreement was implemented in March 2012, imports from South Korea have increased while exports to South Korea have decreased."
In the first half of 2012, the U.S. had net imports of nearly $11 billion in manufactured goods, it said.
The JEC, however, said, "It is still too early to assess the long-run impact of the U.S.-Korea FTA."
"Analysts expect an eventual improvement in the bilateral trade deficit with South Korea,
" it added. "In particular, the reductions in tariffs on agricultural products will increase food exports to South Korea."
The U.S. signed the FTA with South Korea in 2007 and the two sides put it into effect in March.2. --;
'12.10.2 5:32 PM (121.166.xxx.244)첫 FTA인 칠레시작할 때
오만 장미빛 전망으로 꼬시더니
(연간 3억 2천만달러 흑자, GDP 0.005%↑)
되고보니 총89억 1,300만불 적자
유럽자유무역연합과의 FTA 역시 총 88억 1,700만불 적자
칠레 FTA 수출11억$ -> 27억$, 수입 22억$->48억$(11억$적자에서 21억$적자)
FTA로 고통받는 캐나다
국내 모든 영어시험도 미국 ISD제소받아 미국의 토익회사한테 다뺏기고,
우체국택배도 미국 택배UPS가 제소해서 엄청난 벌금물고 다뺏기고,
"미국이 절벽끝으로 여러나라를 밀고있는데, 새치기해서 먼저 절벽으로 추락하는
한국같은 바보는 처음본다고"3. ...
'12.10.2 6:15 PM (182.214.xxx.7)미친소 활짝 열어주고 의료 민영화가 눈앞에 와있는데 무슨 손해?
그렇게 불만이면 폐기해 쌍수들고 환영이니까