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드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방


rrr 조회수 : 942
작성일 : 2012-09-06 12:42:42

Unless accepted in writing by an executive officer of Seller, any terms or conditions in Buyer's offer to buy as transmitted to Seller in the form of a purchase order or otherwise, which are different from or which purport to add to, modify, supersede or otherwise alter the terms and conditions contained in Seller's quotation and this order confirmation, shall not be binding on Seller nor have the effect, in construing any contract between the parties, of canceling or otherwise leaving open any terms or conditions and are objected to by Seller.

두꺼운 부분이 어디에 걸리나요???


어떻게 해석하나요??

IP : 125.184.xxx.158
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. rrr
    '12.9.6 1:44 PM (125.184.xxx.158)

    너무 감사드립니다^^..절묘하네요...그런데 이 정도면 굉장히 난해한 문장인가요???
    일주일 동안 행운이 가득하시기를 바랄께요^^

  • 2. ㅇㅇ
    '12.9.6 1:49 PM (93.197.xxx.201)

    Unless accepted in writing by an executive officer of Seller,

    any terms or conditions (주어) in Buyer's offer to buy as transmitted to Seller in the form of a purchase order or otherwise, which are different from or which purport to add to, modify, supersede or otherwise alter the terms and conditions contained in Seller's quotation and this order confirmation,

    shall not be binding on Seller nor have the effect, in construing any contract between the parties, of canceling or otherwise leaving open any terms or conditions
    and are objected to by Seller.

    문장구조 - Unless A, 주어 shall not be ..... and are objected .....

    which are different from or which purport to add to - which는 주어를 받음
    modify, supersede or otherwise alter - to add to와 와 같은 위치 -> to modify, .....
    are objected to by Seller - shall not be와 같은 위치 -> any terms or conditions are objected .....

  • 3. ㅇㅇ
    '12.9.6 2:00 PM (93.197.xxx.201)

    두 번째 구문 분석 수정했습니다.
    아무래도 to buy에 걸리는 것은 아닌가 봅니다.
    내용상으론 to buy일 것 같이 보이기도 하는데
    문장구조상 purport to add to, purport to modify가
    맞는 것 같습니다.

  • 4. rrr
    '12.9.6 2:07 PM (125.184.xxx.158)

    네...감사합니다..^^..더 매끄러운거 같기도 하네요..

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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