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갑자기 장국영의 노래가 떠오르는밤..

,, 조회수 : 1,667
작성일 : 2012-07-18 03:32:07

Wer're all alone

원곡자는 따로있어요..

Rita Coolidge / Boz Scaggs 등등이 불렀는데, 장국영목소리로 듣고싶네요~


Outside the rain begins and it may never end
So cry no more on the shore a dream
Will take us out to sea
Forever more forever more
Close your eyes and dream
And and you can be with me
'Neath the waves through the caves of hours
Long forgotten now
We're all alone we're all alone

Close the window calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out let it all begin
Learn how to pretend

Once a story's told
It can't help but grow old
Roses do lovers too
So cast your seasons to the wind
And hold me dear oh hold me dear

Close the window calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out let it all begin
All's forgotten now
We're all alone oh oh we're all alone
Close the window calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out let it all begin
All's forgotten now
We're all alone we're all alone
Let it out let it all begin
Owe it to the wind my love



IP : 119.71.xxx.179
5 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ,,,
    '12.7.18 3:34 AM (119.71.xxx.179)


  • 2. ..
    '12.7.18 6:45 AM (147.46.xxx.47)

    헉 너무 좋습니다^^
    아침에 듣는 음악치고 너무 감미롭네요~~

  • 3. 장국영 ㅠㅠ
    '12.7.18 8:40 AM (116.41.xxx.5)

    제가 좋아하는 장국영의 노래는
    Leslie Cheung The thousand dreams of you
    가슴이 아려오네요


  • 4. 훠리
    '12.7.18 9:01 AM (116.120.xxx.4)

    전 위니종정 들으면 괜히 눈물나요...
    아..그리운 레슬리.

  • 5. ...
    '12.7.18 1:19 PM (1.243.xxx.235)

    가슴저미는 영상과 그의 노래...ㅠㅠ

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