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fr david "words don't come easy" 좋아하시는분 계세요?

junebug 조회수 : 984
작성일 : 2012-07-05 09:28:43



Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way to make you see I love You?
Words don't come easy
Words don't come easy to me
This is the only way for me to say I love You
words don't come easy
Well, I'm just a music man
Melodies are so far my best friend
But my words are coming out wrong
Girl, I reveal my heart to you and
Hope that you believe it's true cause

Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way to make you see I love You?
Words don't come easy

This is just a simple song
That I've made for you on my own
There's no hidden meaning you know when I
When I say I love you honey!
Please believe I really do cause
Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way to make you see I love You?
Words don't come easy
It isn't easy words don't come easy
Words don't come easy to me
How can I find a way to make you see I love You?
Words don't come easy
Words don't come easy to me
This is the only way for me to say I love You
words don't come easy
words don't come easy.

IP : 108.218.xxx.250
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. junebug
    '12.7.5 9:31 AM (108.218.xxx.250)

    아름다우며 경쾌한 사랑노래....

    저는 이거 틀어놓고 우리사랑이랑 춤춰요. ㅋㅋ

  • 2. ..
    '12.7.5 10:03 AM (211.234.xxx.185)

    이노래 너무 좋아해요.. 들으면 옛생각 많이 나요^^
    여자분이랑 듀엣으로도 부른게 있던데..
    듀엣도 너무 좋더라구요^^
    저도 비내리는날 즐겨 들어요..

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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