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드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방

영작한 것 좀 봐주세요 ;;;

ㅠㅠ 조회수 : 789
작성일 : 2012-05-27 21:23:25

신발 쇼핑몰에서 주문한게 캔슬이길래

카드 뱉었나보다 ...하고 다른 곳에서 주문했더니

오늘 보니 신용카드는 승인이 난거잇죠 ㅠㅠ

이렇게 편지를 쓰면 될까요?

미리 감사드립니다 꾸벅~


Dear Shoebuy.com,

I am writing this e-mail with regard to Order No.12345

The purchase was made on May,24 and, shortly after that date,
your records showed that the order was cancelled by any reason
So I ordered same shoes from another site
But today I checked my credit card proved
 I want you to cancel the approval of my credit card payment
for my order. Thanks in advance.

IP : 121.139.xxx.33
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ________
    '12.5.27 10:08 PM (61.247.xxx.205)

    Dear Shoebuy.com,

    I am writing this e-mail with regard to Order No. 12345.

    I made the purchase on May 24.
    Shortly after that, however, your records showed that my order was cancelled for some reason.
    So I ordered the same shoes from another site.
    But today I checked my credit card and found that the purchase I made on May 24 from your site was approved.
    I want you to cancel the approval of my credit card payment for the purchase.
    Thanks in advance.

    == 원글님이 했던 영작에 가급적 조금만 손 댔습니당. 도움이 될지 모르겠어욤. 요즘 공부하는 mind가 아니라서 ==

  • 2. rollipop
    '12.5.27 10:33 PM (219.254.xxx.76)

    I am writing to ask you to cancel my order on May 24. My order number is 12345.
    When I ordered the item at your website, it said that my order was not approved. Depending on your website information, I made another purchase at other website.
    Today I found a charge on my credit card from your company. Please cancel the order as soon as possible. I'd appreciate it if you confirm my request by reply. Thank you.

  • 3. 원글
    '12.5.27 10:40 PM (121.139.xxx.33)

    어이쿠 두분이나... 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ
    덕분에 잘 보냈구요... 즐거운 연휴 되세용........ ^_^

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