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드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방

영어 독해 부탁드려요 ㅠ

ㅜㅜ 조회수 : 1,014
작성일 : 2012-05-10 21:28:20

but they found what they were looking for in the measures just described and in another group of reformers who believed that the educations professionals had used their monopoly power over public education to meet their own needs rather than their students' need. 

these reformers believed the answer was to loosen the establishment's grip with deregulation, challenge its control of the system with vouchers and charters, and disrupt its bureaucratic methods by infiltrating the system with inexperienced young education entrepreneurs.

unlike the peoples who run the education systems of the top-performing countries, these superintendents could not raise standards for getting into education school; revamp the education school curriculum; redesign the school finance system; dramatically increase teacher pay; or change state standards and assessments, or the offerings of text-book publishers. they worked with few tools they had.

but it is absurd to build a national reform agenda on the strategies used by a fes superintendents forced to work within a dysfunctional system. the solution is to change the system. instead, many governors, legislatures, and state school boards are buying the agendas of the reformers who want to use market mechanisms to destroy what they think professional educators created.


내용도 딱딱하고,, 무엇보다 매끄럽게 하는게 제일 어렵네요  ㅜㅜ

좀 많죠 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 계속 하고 있는 중인데 어렵네요 시간 진짜 오래 걸릴 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ


IP : 121.161.xxx.238
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 비형여자
    '12.5.10 9:31 PM (175.211.xxx.238)

    이렇게 날로 드시면 배탈납니다..

  • 2. ㅜㅜ
    '12.5.10 9:34 PM (121.161.xxx.238)

    네 넘 많아서 죄송해용 일단 느릿느릿 하고는 있어요 ㅜㅠ 그래도 누가 절 구제 해 주신다면....아아
    사랑합니다 와락!! 굽신굽신

  • 3.
    '12.5.10 9:40 PM (175.114.xxx.11)

    이렇게 올리면 욕 먹어요.
    사랑이고 자시고 노력한 흔적이라도 보이고 부탁을 해야지 원...
    열심히 하세요.

  • 4. 비형여자
    '12.5.10 9:41 PM (175.211.xxx.238)

    번역알바 대학생한테 부탁하시면 저렴하게 하실
    수 있을텐데..함 검색해 보세요. 스트레스 받느니 돈 좀 들이는 게 낫죠..

  • 5. ㅜㅜ
    '12.5.10 9:46 PM (121.161.xxx.238)

    다 하고서 다시 올려볼까봐요....ㅠㅠ
    아 어려버 ㅠㅠ

  • 6. 포실포실
    '12.5.10 10:34 PM (58.178.xxx.14)


    2만원 되겠습니다.

  • 7. ㄱㄱ
    '12.5.10 11:05 PM (125.146.xxx.137)

    날생선은 구글번역기가 딱이지요

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