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딸둘맘 조회수 : 958
작성일 : 2012-03-26 00:05:23

영어 잘하는 아빠가 지금 인도 출장중이라 영맹인 엄마가 확인 못해요^^


미리 감사드립니다.


Topic: Write an essay explaining how you changed when you entered middle school.


On March 2ed, It’s the day when I started to go middle school for the first time. It made me feel excited in that day, and also I can feel it until now. It’s one of the special day in my life because It is opportunity that I got chance to changed. I know that I am in the first step of a great change. So It’s important.

Many people said “First step is very important, especially the first grade in middle school. If you spend good time with your family and your friends and also study hard, you will be a good person someday.” Of course, It is true. And I thought I will not do nothing for my future. So I determine to do my best always.

Dream is so beautiful. Dreamer can change world .So we should have a dream. My dream is writer. I try to do my best for my dream. And I believe that my dream comes true someday .But just believing can’t make my dream comes true. I should try more and more. It’s not difficult. I just need “Faith”.

I think I am growing psychologically when I began to do to middle school. I think about “I” more deeply than before. But I don’t hate this changes because It is the clue that I am growing and I am not afraid of it.

And I found that friend is very important, too. I have many friends and I like them when I was elementary school and before I moved my house. But in middle school I met them first time and I don’t know who they are. So I miss them who is my elementary school friends. And It was too cruel for me to make friends in here. So I try to make some friends and now I have many friends and I am happy. I can’t do anything without friends. So I found that friend is important in my life.

Last 3 weeks make me found what is most important and what should I do for my dreams. It was not easy to adapt but time will help to change. So I always thank for these 3 weeks because It makes me to find who am I.

IP : 125.185.xxx.178
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 콩나물
    '12.3.26 12:22 AM (211.60.xxx.13)

    엠에스 워드 문법 오류 잡아주는것 만 해도 꽤 거를것 같아요~

  • 2.
    '12.3.26 12:27 AM (211.246.xxx.144)

    근데 틀린대로 내고

    아이가 아 day 앞에는 on 이구나 배우고
    선생님도 이 학생들이 뭘 못하는지 알아야 되는거 아닐까요??

    엄마아빠가 고쳐서 내주면 의미가 별로 없을듯

  • 3. 딸둘맘
    '12.3.26 12:36 AM (125.185.xxx.178)

    그렇지요?그대로 제출하고 선생님께서 첨삭해주시는거죠?
    이번에 중학생되면서 대형학원으로 갔거든요.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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