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Any 남초사이트 recommendations?

남초사이트 조회수 : 1,046
작성일 : 2012-03-11 19:39:18

I am a woman in her 40s who love 82 cook, but sometimes I wish I could see something else than stories about TV stars or horror stories about in-laws. (Please don't misunderstand, it all depends on my mood of the day... I admit that sometimes I absolutely love those kind of stories too!)

Do you have any recommendations of interesting 남초사이트s?

IP : 82.216.xxx.216
9 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1.
    '12.3.11 7:43 PM (121.50.xxx.172)

    모릅니다 남초 싸이트를 안가봐서요.ㅋㅋ

  • 2. 갈색와인
    '12.3.11 7:49 PM (121.140.xxx.61)

    엠엘비파크... 야구좋아하는 남초들의 사이트^^

  • 3. 다크하프
    '12.3.11 7:54 PM (124.168.xxx.162)

    something else than -> something other than
    horror stories about in-laws -> horrific or terrible stories about in-laws

    영어도 제대로 못쓰면서 영어로 쓰면 있어 보일거 같나...쯧...

  • 4. 마르코
    '12.3.11 8:14 PM (98.155.xxx.198)

    slr 클럽 자유게시판 ㄱㄱㅆ

  • 5. 딜라이라
    '12.3.11 8:25 PM (125.188.xxx.87)

    첫째 글의 who love 82 cook은 who loves 82 cook으로 정정하세요.

  • 6. 남초사이트
    '12.3.11 9:09 PM (82.216.xxx.216)

    Oops! ------->who loves 82 cook!

    I'm not interested in baseball at all. Any other suggestions?

  • 7. 오프라
    '12.3.11 11:24 PM (192.148.xxx.111)

    오프라 닷 컴 가보세요, 너무 좋은 글들이 많아요. 82같은 조언을 전문가들에게서 받고요. 오프라 보다보면 82안 와도 될 때가 있어요

  • 8. 남초사이트
    '12.3.11 11:50 PM (82.216.xxx.216)

    How do you spell 오프라 닷 컴?
    You don't mean oprah.com, do you?
    I was looking for a Korean site.
    But thanks anyway. I'll have a look.

    As for 82cook, it still remains my favorite site!
    I've been a member since the very beginning.
    But lately there's an increasing amount of rude and/or preposterous remarks in this site.
    (some examples may be seen above)
    I just wanted to know if there were other interesting Korean sites, preferably without a high concentration rate of feminine readers.

  • 9. ㅇㅇ
    '12.3.12 1:28 AM (61.75.xxx.216)


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