Japanese fishery imports found radioactive matter
전년 대비 46% 감소했지만, 여전히 작년 40,466톤을 수입.
The country's quarantine agency has detected cesium and other radioactive materials in 32 Japanese fishery products in the first two months of the year, a surge from 21 cases last year since the nuclear meltdown at nuclear power plants in northeastern Japan, Yonhap News Agency said.
32개 품목서 방사능이 검출되었으나 기준치에 미달.
(주어도 없는데 무슨 기준치가 있는가......)
Radiation levels in such products are too low to cause public health concerns, and there is no plan to ban fishery imports from Japan, the Animal, Plant and Fisheries Quarantine and Inspection Agency said.
그래서 어류뿐만아니라 동물, 식물 등도 수입금지를 않겠다는.....
드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
[원전]일본산 수입어류에서 방사능은 검출되는데?
참맛 조회수 : 1,722
작성일 : 2012-03-09 00:57:58
IP : 121.151.xxx.203
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