EU, 일본産 식품 수입규제 연장
- 유럽연합(EU)이 후쿠시마(福島) 제1원전 사고에 따른 일본산 식품의 방사성 물질 오염을 우려해 수입 규제를 오는 10월까지 연장했다. -
프랑스의방사능방호 원전안전연구소 - the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) -라는 곳에서는
“That doesn't mean that there won't be any more, far from it. Today, and for many years to come, we will have a situation of chronic and lasting contamination of the environment.”
It was essential for Japan to maintain vigilant monitoring of fruit, milk, mushrooms, game and fish, Champion said.
“There are risks of chronic exposure at low dosage, and without care this can build up over time,” he warned.
저선량이지만 만성적이고 지속적인 방사능 오염이 올 거라고 하네요.