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미국에서 옷 산거 교환 문의

교환 조회수 : 1,146
작성일 : 2012-02-27 19:22:08
며칠전 남편이 시카고에 출장가서 아이 옷을 사왔는데 사이즈가 작네요.담주에 엘에이로 또 출장을가는데 혹시 여기서 사이즈 교환이나 다른 옷으로 바꿀수 있을까요?참고로 메이커는 아베크롬비에요.근데 옷에 붙어있는 택을 띠었는데....
미국 사시는분 알려주세요.감사합니다.
IP : 223.33.xxx.154
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ^^
    '12.2.27 7:39 PM (125.186.xxx.54)

    Return / Exchange Policy

    If you are not satisfied with your purchase, return it to us for an exchange or refund. We exchange or refund any merchandise in resalable condition with a copy of your original invoice. If the merchandise was purchased at a store, it must be returned to a store in person. Please do not send merchandise that was purchased at one of our store locations for return. Our Distribution Center cannot process any store returns. Our stores do not accept any returns or exchanges by mail.

    Return/Exchange of a Store Purchase:
    If you are not satisfied with your purchase, and the merchandise is in its original condition, return it for an exchange or refund in any of our abercrombie stores worldwide, subject to the terms below. Our stores do not accept any returns or exchanges by mail.

    If you have the original receipt, Abercrombie & Fitch will refund the item based on the original form and amount of payment. An Abercrombie & Fitch merchandise credit will be issued for any returns of previously exchanged merchandise or for returns of purchases made with a gift card. Without the original receipt, an Abercrombie & Fitch merchandise credit will be issued for the current local price of the item. Abercrombie & Fitch may limit the number of returns allowed without original receipt. All returns made in a country other than the original country of purchase will receive a merchandise credit in the local currency of the current price of the item at the location processing the return.

    If the price of the merchandise you purchased is reduced and you present your original sales receipt and the merchandise within (14) days of the original date of purchase, we will refund the difference between the two prices. Only one price adjustment per item is permitted. Abercrombie & Fitch reserves the right to request an I.D. during any transaction or to deny any refund, exchange or price adjustment. All sales of Gift Cards are final and will not be refunded. This policy does not affect your statutory rights.

    US only: If your check is returned unpaid for insufficient funds, we may electronically debit your bank account for the check amount and service fees allowed by your locality.


    아베크롬비 홈피가 안 열려서 야후에서 긁어왔어요,,여기 보심 알겠지만 월드와이드로 리펀과 교환이 가능하네요~ 근데 윗분도 얘기하셨다시피 영수증이 필요해요~~ 그리고 14일 동안이 가격조정 기간이라 그 동안 가격이 내려갔으면 가격 조정도 받을 수 있다고 하네요~^^

  • 2. ^^
    '12.2.27 7:41 PM (125.186.xxx.54)

    참,,그리고 뜯어진 택도 같이 가지고 가세요~~

  • 3. .........
    '12.2.27 7:54 PM (72.213.xxx.130)

    가격표 뜯어도 함께 가져가시면 되고요, 보통 교환 기간은 한달 또는 90일 되는 것 같아요.
    그리고 같은 미국내에서 다른 지역에서 사도 교환, 리턴 다 해줘요. 다만 텍스 비용은 주마다 다르니까
    바꾸는 지역의 세금 적용률에 따라 다르게 적용받게되요.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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