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일 ‘독도 일본땅 표기’에 MB ‘기다려달라’고 했다”

ㅎㅎ 조회수 : 804
작성일 : 2012-02-20 10:47:37




일 ‘독도 일본땅 표기’에 MB ‘기다려달라’고 했다”
IP : 124.199.xxx.10
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ~~
    '12.2.20 10:50 AM (121.50.xxx.73)

    아웅.. 아침부터 안구정화중.. ㅎㅎ 계속 올려주세요..

  • 2. 정말 이럴래
    '12.2.20 10:51 AM (203.90.xxx.115)

    미친소리하시네 뭘 기다려기다리긴 ..

  • 3. ...
    '12.2.20 10:54 AM (59.28.xxx.148)

    정말 어디다가 내놔도 부끄러운 우리 MB ㅠㅠ
    그런데 우리나라에서 있은 소송에서 원고 패소 판결하면서
    '기다려달라' 라고 한 적 없다고 판결한 건 무슨 말인가요?
    술 먹고 운전한 건 맞는데 음주은전은 아니다 뭐 그런 건가요?

  • 4. dd
    '12.2.20 11:01 AM (222.112.xxx.184)

    쪽팔려. 진짜.

  • 5. 좌제동
    '12.2.20 11:04 AM (122.36.xxx.42)

    어이 무식한 사람들..
    이거 읽을줄 알어?

    ¶1. (C) Summary. ROK Embassy diplomats describe Japan's
    decision to mention the Liancourt Rocks in educational
    documents as "explosive." Officials in Seoul felt "betrayed"
    by the move, especially after ROK President Lee Myung-bak
    directly appealed to Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda to "hold
    back" on the textbook issue at their summit on the margins of
    the Hokkaido Lake Toya G8 meeting. According to the Embassy,
    the textbook controversy could have a "serious impact" on the
    ROK's foreign policy with Tokyo, casting doubt on Seoul's
    participation in the Japan-ROK-PRC summit, and has the
    potential to affect South Korea's participation in the
    Six-Party Talks process. Media and academic contacts note
    conservative Diet politicians influenced PM Fukuda's
    position, which appears to have been crafted by Chief Cabinet
    Secretary Machimura and based on complex internal party
    politics. End Summary.
    Explosive Situation
    ¶2. (C) On July 16, ROK Embassy First Secretary Kang
    Young-hoon told Embassy Tokyo political officer that Tokyo's
    July 14 decision to include its claim to the disputed
    Liancourt Rocks (named Takeshima by Japan and Dokto by South
    Korea) in an educational manual used by junior high school
    students was "very, very serious," "enormous," and
    "explosive." Following efforts made by new ROK President Lee
    Myung-bak to put aside the contentious historical differences
    that have plagued ROK-Japan relations, Kang said Seoul
    officials felt a sense of "betrayal," particularly after Lee
    directly appealed to PM Fukuda to "hold back" on the textbook
    issue at their bilateral summit on the margins of the
    Hokkaido Lake Toya G8 meeting.

  • 6. 좌제동
    '12.2.20 11:04 AM (122.36.xxx.42)

    여기 어디에 기달려 달라고 했니?

  • 7. 또물타기
    '12.2.20 11:05 AM (125.146.xxx.130)

    지금 박권순 얘기가 진행되고 있는데 쌩뚱맞게 이런기사를 긁어오는 의도는 또 뭔가요.
    그리도 박원순을 보호해주고 싶은걸까요.
    진보면 진보답게 떳떳하게 공개신검 받으라하세요.
    입진보라는 말 듣기가 그렇게 좋으세요?

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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