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intotheself님... 사진공개!!

| 조회수 : 3,658 | 추천수 : 161
작성일 : 2010-06-14 00:58:51

(사진  intotheself님 / 음악 Christian Ingebrigtsen -Take Back Yesterday )

Today is just another day

But it's lost without you here with me

Time's become my enemy

That's the prize I have to pay

For fighting with my sanity

I know there's no apology

But I'm here for you

I still care for you

I swear to you

I never meant to hurt you

How can I ever really make it up to you?

Please don't tell me it's too late

I wish I could say I'm sorry

And make it all go away

How can I let you know how I feel about you

Without messing up all the words?

It's too late to say I'm sorry, or to

Take back yesterday

It's never easy to explain

How you feel when you're confronted with

Things you never really did

I hope the joy we had remains

It's never easy to explain

How you feel when you're confronted with

Things you never really did

I hope the joy we had remains

In your memories of who we were

When we could not be happier

Coz I'm here for you

I still care for you

I swear to you

I never meant to hurt you

How can I ever really make it up to you?

Please don't tell me it's too late

I wish I could say I'm sorry

And make it all go away

How can I let you know how I feel about you

Without messing up all the words?

It's too late to say I'm sorry, or to

Take back yesterday

The times we've had brought happiness into my life

The hurt I caused you always cuts me like a knife

How can I ever really make it up to you?

Please don't tell me it's too late

I wish I could say I'm sorry

And make it all go away

How can I let you know how I feel about you

Without messing up all the words?

It's too late to say I'm sorry, or to

Take back yesterday

In your memories of who we were

When we could not be happier

5 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 들꽃
    '10.6.14 10:01 AM

    ㅎㅎㅎ인투님 사진 맞습니다. 맞구요~
    노랑장미를 찍으시는 모습이
    동그라미 안에 보이시네요.
    근데 얼굴이 안보이셔서 무효~!!

  • 2. 보리
    '10.6.15 2:32 PM

    카루소님, 개업 축하드려요!!
    전 대박 머 그런 인사보담은 천천히 오래오래 행복한 음식점으로 남으시라 말씀드리고 싶네요.
    의왕이면 엄청 가까운거 아시죠?
    자세한 약도 부탁드리면 안될까요???

  • 3. intotheself
    '10.6.15 11:14 PM

    오래 오래 행복한 음식점으로 남으라는 인사말이 정겹네요.

    저도 마찬가지 인사 드리고 싶어요.

    아주 바쁠 시기에 이런 여유를 ,아니? 이런 정성을 보여주셨군요.

    지하철에 탔을 때 의왕이 어디지? 하고 찾아보게 되었답니다.

    이런 인연이 참 귀하다는 생각을 했지요. 한 번도 가보지 못한 곳에 누군가가 산다거나

    누군가가 무슨 일을 하고 있다고 들으면 그 곳이 궁금해지는

    부천도 제겐 그런 곳이 되었습니다. 캐드펠님이 사는 곳이라고 해서요.

  • 4. 열무김치
    '10.6.15 11:54 PM

    intotheself님 한테 눈이 가야하는데, 노랑 장미에 눈이 가요 ㅎㅎㅎ

  • 5. 논문뱃살
    '10.6.16 6:51 PM


☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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